Get started with the ultimate interest scoring solution for your online store!

Fill out our quick and easy onboarding form and let us help you boost your sales by identifying the products that are most attractive to your buyers.

© 2023 IronFunnel

Boost your sales with interest scoring. Fill out our onboarding form now.

There are just a few simple steps left:

Step 1: Open the Event Settings in your Shopify Store using the link provided below.

Step 2: Click on the "Add custom Pixel" button and name it "Iron Pixel."

Step 3: Copy the following code and paste it into Shopify:


Step 4: Click the "Save" button, then the "Connect" button.

You can watch a video that demonstrates all of these steps on YouTube by using this link..


You will now be redirected to our app in 5 seconds…

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